California Restaurant Association Allied Member Application


Annual Membership Benefits

Membership dues are based on the membership level you select. Benefits must be used in the 12-months of the membership. Check out the different types of memberships below:

Benefits Standard Enhanced Premium Gold
À La Carte Event Sponsorship
Access to Most Restaurant Membership Benefits
Access to CRA Events (exclusions apply)
Shout-Out in The Source
Use of Member Logo (by usage guide standards)
Referrals Via Member Helpline
Discounted Pricing for Advertising Spots
Company Listing on Buyer's Guide 1 2 3 4
Buyer's Guide Contact Us Email
Buyer's Guide Placement Standard Secondary
($500 VALUE)
($500 VALUE)
($750 VALUE)
Buyer's Guide Photo Gallery  
Buyer's Guide Company Logo  
Buyer's Guide Video Gallery  
Western Food Show Tickets 6 15 30 45
CRA Per-Event Attendance 1 2 3 4
The Source Ad Space *** 1
($600 VALUE)
($1,200 VALUE)
($1,800 VALUE)
($2,400 VALUE)
The Source Spotlight   1
($600 VALUE)
($600 VALUE)
($600 VALUE)
CRA Home Page Company Logo Banner **  
Event Listing Via*     1
($500 VALUE)
($1,000 VALUE)
Event Sponsorship Funds Allocation *     $500 $1,000
Dues Investment $600 $1,500 $3,000 $4,500

*The number of items allocated to each benefit changes based on the amount of the investment dues. See each membership level + description to determine the number or amount allocated for each level.
**The CRA Home Page Company Logo Banner will run the month post join.
***All ads are subject to approval by the CRA. Products and services competing with current CRA Exclusive Partners may/will receive additional Buyer's Guide Listings in place of any advertising. Don't hesitate to get in touch with Josh Vavao at 916-431-2752 if you have questions.

Want to get more engaged - View the CRA Marketplace for a partnership level opportunity.

Allied Member Application

If you prefer to fill out a manual form, please fax or mail it in. Download the PDF form.


If you are experiencing difficulty completing this form please call Josh Vavao at 916-431-2752.

Company Information (to be displayed online)

Company Name/dba *
Tax ID # *
Company Address 1 *
Company Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Country *
Phone *
Company Social Media

Primary Contact

Prefix *
First Name *
Last Name *
Job Title *
Phone *
Address (if different from main address)
Company Address 1
Company Address 2
Additional California Locations

Membership Information

Primary Directory Category (choose additional below) *
**Hold CTRL on your keyboard to select multiple categories**

Membership Listing Description

Please describe the products, services and/or support that you provide to CRA members.

Total: $ 
Number of Full Time Employees:
Number of Part Time Employees:
Number of Rooms (Accommodations):
Number of Seats (Restaurants):
Number of Associates (Realtors, Attorneys):
Number of Locations ($35/add. location):
Enhanced Membership ($50):
NOTE: If selecting to pay by Check, please do not fill out the Credit Card Information section at the bottom of the form. Thanks.

Membership Dues

Gross Annual Sales:

Dues payments to the CRA may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses to the extent they are not used for specific state or federal lobbying expenditures (IRC 162). The CRA has estimated 83 percent of your membership dues will be used for lobbying expenditures and are not deductible for federal or state income tax purposes (CRA federal Tax ID #95-1241045).

Voluntary Contributions Opt Out:

To opt-out of one of the contributions, please check the appropriate box and your entire dues investment will be applied to CRA operations.

6.5 percent of membership dues will be contributed to the CRA PAC (#890231) or IPAC (#901032). Contributions to CRA political action committees are voluntary and not deductible as charitable contributions for federal or state income tax purposes.

1 percent of membership dues will be contributed in the first year to the CRA Foundation (CRAF, Tax ID #95-376630) and is tax-deductible.

If you prefer to fill out our a manual form, please fax or mail it in. Click for form. (download pdf)

The contents of this box are for testing purposes. This box will be removed when the form goes live.
Full-Time Employees
Part-Time Employees
Hotel/Motel Rooms
Restaurant Seats
Additional Associates
Additional Associates Cost
Additional Locations
Additional Locations Cost
Assets Cost
Additional Categories Cost
Annual Dues (charged to card)
Tax (charged to card)
Fee (charged to card)
Opt out for PAC
Opt out for Educational Foundation

Payment Information

I (we) wish to affiliate with other California foodservice industry leaders and become a member of the CRA. By becoming a member, I (we) authorize the CRA and CRF to send information on products and services by phone, fax or e-mail under U.S.C. 47sec.227. As part of my CRA membership, I (we) understand the CRA will share specific personal information with the CRA Partners to provide me (us) with valuable discounts, programs and services. I (we) certify that the foregoing information is correct and authorize the CRA to process my (our) chosen method of payment and activate membership. I (we) understand CRA memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable and all benefits must be used in the 12-months of the membership.

Credit Card Type *
Credit Card Number * 
Name On Card
Security Code
Valid Through
Credit Card Address 1
Credit Card City
Credit Card State
Credit Card Zip
Credit Card Phone Number
Credit Card Country
Credit Card Email Address

Please type the above letters for verification purposes.
Please click submit only one time.  The transaction may take several seconds.